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10/20/18 EVENT: Santa Cruz HOTSAND Grand Prix point series CHAMPIONSHIP

10/20/2018 - HOTSAND Grand Prix CHAMPIONSHIP
@HOTSAND (SANTA CRUZ CA) EVENT: 10/20/18 - Santa Cruz HOTSAND Grand Prix point series CHAMPIONSHIP at Main Street Beach.

EVENT: Announcing the 2018 Santa Cruz HOTSAND Grand Prix CHAMPIONSHIP -

In cooperation with Main Street Beach Volleyball we are proud to bring the HOTSAND Grand Prix Beach Volleyball Points Series CHAMPIONSHIP. Come watch the top beach volleyball athletes battle to win cash, prizes and be crowned the "King" or "Queen" of the Santa Cruz beach. Check our leaderboard for current ratings & rankings of the top beach volleyball athletes in Santa Cruz. Register for the 10/20 CBVA Santa Cruz while spots are available. Give us a SHOUT OUT if you need info or have questions. Supporting your beach volleyball community!

Stay tuned to learn more beach volleyball stuff:

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