10/20 @HOTSANDUSA (SANTA CRUZ CA) EVENT: HOTSAND USA Grand Prix Beach Volleyball Points Series CHAMPIONSHIP. Come join us on the beach today to cheer on the top beach volleyball teams in a battle to win cash, prizes! We will also crown the “King” or “Queen” of the Santa Cruz beach. Check out leaderboard for current ratings & rankings of the top beach volleyball athletes in Santa Cruz (https://hotsand.net/2018-leaderboard-men). If you haven't already pre-registered it may not be too late so reserve your spot NOW (cbva.com). Supporting our beach volleyball community. _________________________________________________________________________#2deepsports #hotsandusa #surfing #sandbychoice #surfbychoice #surf #beachvolleyball #volleyball#volleyball #avpstrong #cbva
#p1440 #quiksnapdown @hotsandusa @santacruzhotsandusa #supportingyourbeachvolleyballcommunity #santacruzhotsandusa